For women of colour, pastel make-up can be extremely challenging to wear. There’s always the fear of looking extremely washed out or look as if Homey the Clown from In Livin’ Color did your make up. NO BUENO. But I’m determined to not let my fears stop me from finding the perfect muted shade of pinky plum for my skin tone. Toss away all fears aside and pucker up, we’re venturing into the unknown but I should probably tell you I am very, very afraid- pastels are not my friend! Maybelline’s Rebel Bloom Lipsticks offer a variety of options for all skin tones and I am determined to find a pastel that pops that makes me look ohhh ahhh yes girl rather than ohhh nooo nooo no girl. Interesting side note, I think I may have a fear of committing to colours. I need to relax and stop over-thinking things. This is not like the time where it took me weeks to pick the room colours in my house. Here’s how they look on my lips: 725- Lilac Flush
Whoah. On one hand I feel like a complete clown but on the other hand I feel like this could work if I had the right base coat. There seems to be way too much white pigment and I don’t want to look like I just ate a powdered donut oooh how I love those.
720- Power Peony
While this power peony packs some punch, I am not completely sold. It looks great when it’s first applied but because it’s incredibly sheer I have to apply multiple coats. This would be completely fine because the pastels are lightly pigmented but after awhile it makes my lips look dry. I can’t go walking around like I’ve never been introduced to lip balm before. NEXT! 730- Orchid Ecstasy
Bingo, bango, orchid ecstasy is the one! Oh, honey, I feel like my skin is glowing with this one right here. It’s highly pigmented which compliments my skin tone yet soft enough not to alarm folks. I can see myself wearing this to a festival but also dropping into the office with this color on like a BO$$ who’s not afraid to show her colours. Plus it makes my teeth look super white. YAS to tooth-whitening. YAS.
Bottom Line
Picking a pastel lip in a grocery store aisle can be risky business. But all and all I am happy that one fit me perfectly. I’ve been wearing this colour since the beginning of spring and I plan to wear it well into the fall.
Has anyone tried this line yet? I’ve been dying to try the nudes next!
No compensation was received for this review. The products pictured were purchased with my own pennies.