
Let me just start off by saying that I hate the cold. I really do. I don’t care how many years I’ve lived up here…it still hurts my bones and damages my skin. But for a great pic I will suck it up and bear it for a few minutes. what a trooper I am. WINTER….ugggh. I will admit that I am grateful that I only have to dodge the winter storms and the icy roads, as opposed to natural disasters in other parts of the states. But I digress as usual…I keep finding pictures that I took weeks ago on my camera/computer. I really need to get better at posting them sooner. I actually used one of the pics as my header and totally forgot to post it.
I am so thankful that my hubby is always willing to take my pics and has an inquisitive mind. He found an underpass with a ledge overlooking a river with cement walls that served as a canvas for graffiti stomping grounds. It almost felt like we stumbled onto someone’s secret hiding place with an invisible ‘no trespassing’ sign hanging within the underbelly of the bridge. The colours popped so well against the slabs of cement…yes…gangsta in suburbia. We were sure to take pictures and leave footprints, without disturbing a thing….(*(scouts honor)*)
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