Happy Birthday ME!
Ahhh I’m super excited to have reached another milestone in my life where I am healthy, happy and grateful for all of the blessings that God has given me. Birthdays are amazing opportunities to reflect on life’s moments, failures, faith and forthcoming long term goals that lay ahead. Today is extra special (not only because it’s my born day) but because I didn’t have to get up today to go to work due to the inclement weather!
If you’re on the East coast like I am, you’ll know that the wind is mercilessly whipping through everything in its path…kinda reminds me of the movie The Day After Tomorrow, huh? Let’s not hope that Manhattan freezes over or else I may have to rescue a few family members like Dennis Quaid Wherever you are, hopefully you have the opportunity to avoid the polar vortex that is looming over us. In the meantime, I will be celebrating with Audrey Hepburn movies, a nail polish party of one, steak-filled grill cheese sandwiches and some reading.
But before I go, here are 10 things that I am grateful for!
1. Waking up this morning to read and strengthen my relationship with God.
2. My husbter! For EVERYTHING that he does- visible and behind the scenes… and for the amazing adventures that we have had in our marriage whether we are traveling or just hanging out in our sweats in the house. He’s my photographer, cook, stylist (yup!) and has a strong passion for helping others.
3. Family & Friends.
4. Professional and personal accomplishments.
5. Failures.
6. The Polar Vortex! Netflix, HBO Go, and Hulu here I come!
7.Quiet moments.
8. The ability to travel.
9. My health.
10. You! Yes, YOU. Thank you immensely for reading this blog and supporting me in my endeavors! I have personally (and virtually) met some amazing people through the creation of curating this blog and look forward to meeting many more!
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