Book Review Series: #NewReads


One of the biggest sources of inspiration for me has been found beneath the pages of a good book. I’m unapologetically obsessed with quotes. Curious about book recommendations and consistently update my GoodReads app to remind me of books that are waiting for me to devour. I say I like to read but I most likely couldn’t prove it. Sadly, reading as a pastime has become a vague memory which seems to be fading more and more from my daily routine. Like many people, I enjoy reading but I often times fail to devote enough time to fully submerse myself in a moment of unrestricted time to grow, learn and to become more curious. Daily obligations of 9 – 5’s along with personal, professional and social commitments can make consistent reading a bit of a challenge.

In 2015, the number of book readers has dipped a bit from the previous year and the number of e-book readers has remained flat, according to new survey findings from Pew Research Center.

The article further states that “Seven-in-ten American adults (72%) have read a book within the past year, whether in whole or in part and in any format.” Though the statistic may not have accounted for the rise in e-books, I’m convinced that we have got to to do better. I’ve never been one for publically announcing reading goals, like the ever popular 52 books in 52 weeks challenge, however the sweeping need to influence a new generation of bookworms is in dire need.

Through my informal #NewReads series, I plan to share highlights from my current and favorite reads using a simple rubric that I’ve created. Feel free to suggest any of your favorite books in the comments below because by now, you must know that I’m itching to update my GoodReads app. ^_^

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